Danaway Mathias
Welsh Cob Danaway Mathias at stud in 2020
Danaway Mathias is a jet black Welsh Cob stallion (also know as Welsh section D).
Mathias was born in Wales in 1998 (!). He is around 15 hands/1.51 m high.
This very special stallion has a life-long breeding license in Great Britain, Sweden and Norway (NPA 8533).
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Licensed for Welsh & other breeds
In Norway, Mathias is licensed for following breeds:
- Welsh Pony & Welsh Cob
- Riding Ponies and Sport Ponies from other countries
- Thoroughbreds (‘Engelsk Fullblods’)
- Arabs, Anglo-Arabs and Shagya Arabs
- Warmblood Riding Horse breeds such as Norwegian Warmblood, Danish Warmblood, Dutch Warmblood (KWPN), German Warmblood (Trakhener, Hannoveraner, Oldenburger, Holsteiner, etc.), Belgian Warmblood, PRE, etcetera.
Danaway Mathias will stand at stud at Raaken Farm in the south of Norway (about 45 minutes south of Oslo).
Because of his age, he will only be available for a limited number of mares.

Danaway Mathias
Legendary Welsh Cobs

Famous Trevallion Valentino, father of Danaway Mathias
The pedigree of this black stallion is full of legendary Welsh Cob breeding lines.
Mathias’ father is Trevallion Valentino. Valentino is a Supreme Champion and father of many show champions. Such as Drogheda Stormy Tempest (Royal Welsh winner) and Danaway Miss Supreme (Northleach winner). Danaway Sampson, a full brother of Mathias, is multiple Supreme Champion.
Also the famous stallions Cippyn Real Magic and Nebo Black Magic are found in Mathias’ pedigree.
You can find his full pedigree here.
Quality on the outside – and on the inside!
Danaway Mathias has a lot of ‘front’ and a long, well-formed neck. Which gives you the feeling of riding a much larger horse. Especially when it is combined with a strong and active hind leg, as is the case for this stallion.
When he is moving, his hindlegs come far under his body and ‘carry’ him. This gives him three good gaits. And it makes for a naturally well-balanced horse.
He has a beautiful head with the desirable ‘pony look’.
His colour is homozygous black.
Mathias has solid legs with a lot of ‘bone’, and very good hooves. He goes barefoot all year long.

Mathias with 12 year old rider
Sweet character, strong and healthy
However great a horse looks – if it is not healthy, you cannot use it! And if the horse is hard to handle, it is not much use either.
Also here Danaway Mathias is exceptional. He impresses with his easygoing character. Under saddle he is calm and wants to work. He has been ridden by a 12 year old girl without any problems.
Welsh Cobs are known to be healthy and hardy. That is certainly the case for Mathias. He was presented for licensing in Norway when he was 16 years old (!). He scored a Perfect 10 on his health check, and a Perfect 10 for Character/Behaviour!!
Which mares are a good match?

Mathias showing off in the snow!
In spite of his age, Mathias is a very modern type of Welsh Cob. He is solid with enough ‘bone’ and can carry a lot of weight. At the same time he is elegant and has roomy, comfortable strides. He has a very nice front with a long neck, a pretty head and a powerful action. This makes him a suitable match for many different mares.
For pure-bred Welsh Cob mares, this stallion offers a great opportunity to infuse your breeding with some of the most famous Welsh Cob lines – before it is too late!
When crossed with other breeds, Mathias has given many good-looking and well-moving foals. They are healthy, strong, smart and very friendly.

Mathias playing in the field with his buddy
Welsh Cobs and Welsh Partbreds
Welsh Cobs are a popular breed with a long history. They are a handy ‘medium size’ that can suit both children and adults.
They have strong legs and bodies. At the same time they are sensitive enough, so they don’t get heavy to ride or sluggish. Welsh Cobs are mostly easy to keep and seem to have few health problems.
All of this makes them great family horses that can be used for loads of different things. They are known to be good jumpers and many of them compete against large horses.
In recent years more and more of them are showing themselves off in the dressage arena. Here they are even competing at Grand Prix, the highest international dressage level.
They are also popular as driving horses, hunters, eventers and, of course, as family hacks.
When a Welsh Cob is crossed with another breed, the foal will be registered as Welsh Partbred. This is a popular crossbreed that often gives very versatile horses and ponies. Many of them are good jumpers and they often have ‘that little extra something’.
- Danaway Mathias covers live, preferably in-hand.
- Artificial insemination and/or shipment of semen can be considered. This requires the use of an external facility and therefore has to be agreed upon beforehand. All extra costs for this are to be paid by the owner of the mare.
- The breeding season runs from the 1st of May until the 1st of September. Exceptions can be discussed.
- Visiting mares have to be barefoot and registered with a passport and health card. All vaccinations have to be up to date.
- Mares that are not in good health, not fit to be covered and/or present a risk for other reasons, can be refused breeding.
- For all mares that have been bred before (even/especially if it did not result in a foal) we require a swab test. This can be done after arrival at Raaken Farm (please be aware that this might mean a delay in covering and/or a missed heat cycle).
At Raaken Farm, we have boarding space for a limited number of mares from outside. This will be in outside paddocks, usually with another horse/pony for company.
We can offer services such as feeding of concentrates/vitamins, blanketing etcetera.
We also offer training for mares that are here for a longer period. Such as riding, lungeing, groundwork and so on (as long as it poses no risk for the breeding process).
It’s also possible to get lessons on your own horse, or with one of our horses.
Are you living far away? We have some possibilities for overnight stays in our guest room, and for camping at our farm.
Stud fees for 2020
Stud fee for Danaway Mathias: 2.000 NOK + 5.000 NOK (if in-foal at 90 days) + VAT
Boarding: 120 NOK/day + VAT for mares without foal, 150 NOK/day + VAT for mares with foal
Training: By agreement
Other services: By agreement
VAT will be added to all prices where applicable.