Our services

Hoof Trimming
Experience has shown that it is fairest towards the customer to operate with a price-per-hour, plus (if applicable) a fee to cover traveling costs.
Current trimming fee is 500 NOK (Norwegian Crowns) per hour plus 3,50 NOK/kilometer driving fee.

For a new customer/horse it is customary that I will first do an ‘assessment visit’ (without trimming). This gives the customer an opportunity to ask questions. It also gives me the opportunity to assess possible problems so I can give the owner a realistic estimate of what to expect.

‘first trim visit’ will take app. 2,5 to 3 hours. This is not only for the trim itself, but also for an in-depth (hoof) health history of the horse, picture taking etcetera.

Due to high demand I have at this point only a very limited capacity to take on new customers.
Please contact me if you would like to be put on the waiting list. A single ‘assessment visit’ can usually be fitted in.

In case of more serious hoof problems it is highly recommended that the owner discusses any change in hoof care with their veterinarian first.

Correct hoof care can make huge differences in a horse’s well-being and overall health. However, in more serious and/or long-term problems this might not be enough. Many additional therapies can be very helpful, such as homeopathy, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic treatments, cranio-sacral therapy and so on.

Trimming Instruction
Most people can learn to do some maintenance work on their own horses’ hooves. For people who want to learn more about this we can highly recommend taking a Basic Seminar (3 days) followed by a Trimming Seminar (2 days).
Note: these seminars teach a horse owner how to do basic maintenance on their own healthy horse, under guidance of a hoofcare professional. These seminars are NOT meant as an education to go out and trim other people’s horses as a professional hoof trimmer.
For more information on when and where such seminars are organized, please visit www.hovvardsforbundet.org or www.handnesgarden.no

For customers who have had a basic education in how to trim, we do organize ‘training sessions’. Here you can practice your trimming skills, usually on cadaver feet.


Riding Instruction
Riding instruction can be given individually or in groups (max. 4 persons).
The current fee for instruction is 400 NOK per hour for 1 or 2 riders; 150 NOK per person for 3 or 4 riders.
Travel costs (if applicable) are additional (3 NOK/kilometer).


Barefoot Information Seminars
This is a 4 hour-seminar that covers many issues regarding barefoot horses: hoof anatomy, living conditions, how to make the transition to barefoot, boot use, hoof problems, ethical considerations etcetera.
This seminar is also very useful for owners of shod horses who want to learn more about hoof anatomy and hoof problems – and how to prevent them.
Feedback from these seminars is extremely positive (scoring 9.75 points out of a possible 10).

Fees for these seminars vary, according to travel distance etcetera. However, it is customary that (at least part of) the revenue of these seminars goes to an established charity. In Norway that usually is A Better Life Norway (for more information on their work, please visit http://www.betterlifenorway.no).


Communication services
Fee for communication services (communication advice, text writing, interviews, articles etc.) upon request, since this can vary enormously depending on the amount of time/ effort involved.

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